Debbie 24th December 2021

Christmas eve and it's so strange, no phone chats about who will be picking you up and what time. I can hear you saying I have had my shower babe and washed my hair. Oh to truly hear your voice, to be able to cuddle you and never let you go. This year will be different, a vacant chair, an empty baileys glass. I remember you telling me how tough you find these special days without Dad and that is what I have to remind myself. Whilst you aren't here you are together and that's where you would both want to be. I miss you mum, I am so grateful to have had you as my mum and to have been blessed to have you as my friend. I hope you are proud of the stone, it looks so beautiful just what you wanted. Somehow it gives me peace that your resting places are joined as you always wanted. If I had one wish this Christmas it would be to just know you are with dad and you are both happy. I love you so very much and will forever miss you until we meet again. Xxx